Neuroradiologic evaluation of a patient suspected
of harbouring a central nervous system neoplasm has advanced
remarkably thanks to the development of computer-based
neuroimaging techniques, including computed tomography (CT) and
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These techniques are now used
routinely in the initial evaluation of cranial masses and has
resulted in better detection and characterization of
intracerebral tumors. Their application has also improved
treatment planning through increased accuracy for defining
extent of tumor. Postoperatively these imaging modalities are
invaluable for delineating the extent of resection of a mass,
for early detection of postsurgical complications, for detection
of tumor recurrence, and for following the response of a tumor
to radiation and chemotherapy.
CT and MRI exquisitely define
normal and pathologic intracranial anatomy in a living patient.
However, these two techniques use fundamentally different
physical principles to image the brain and therefore each
provides different and unique information. CT uses differences
in x-ray attenuation, which is a function of relative
differences in electron density of tissues, to reconstruct a
cross-sectional image of the brain. CT is therefore very
sensitive to even small amounts of calcium and is also very
sensitive for detection of acute hemorrhage, due to the
increased density of acute clot relative to nonclotted blood.
MRI, on the other hand, uses
differences in the chemical environment of hydrogen in water
molecules to image cerebral anatomy. Different pulse sequences
are used to emphasize different properties of the regional
tissue environment. Because MRI is based on both the amount of
water contained in the tissue and the interaction of the water
protons with their regional chemical environment, it provides
more sensitive detection of tissue differences and more
exquisite detail of abnormal lesions compared with CT. Normal
gray and white matter structures are identified and pathologic
tissue is easily distinguishable from normal tissue. MRI can
image the brain in axial, coronal, sagittal, and obliquely
oriented planes, improving the assessment of tumor size and
extent of tumor infiltration into adjacent structures. This
is important for initial evaluation and for follow-up studies,
in which changes in tumor size or extent could be missed simply
because of partial volume effects or differences in patient
positioning if imaging were only done in one plane.
Although definition of
cortical bone and paranasal sinus anatomy is much better shown
with CT, infiltration of the bone marrow space by tumor or
infection is better determined using MRI. This is one example
where these two techniques provide complementary information,
and there
are a number of indications when both imaging modalities are
required. By using CT and MRI to obtain as much detail about the
morphology of a mass as possible and by correlating these
imaging findings with our knowledge of the gross pathologic
appearance of various tumors, one can often limit the
differential diagnostic possibilities to a relatively specific
diagnosis. For example, intracerebral edema, a compromised
blood-brain barrier, and areas of necrosis and hemorrhage
within a mass are all readily seen. Regional vascular anatomy
and the patency of dural venous sinuses can also be defined
noninvasively using MR angiography (MRA).
These recent spectacular
advances in diagnostic neuroimaging techniques are not without
limitations. First. neither CT nor MRI provide a precise
histologic diagnosis. Considerable overlap among the
characteristic morphologic changes associated with various
intracranial lesions necessitates surgical biopsy for diagnosis
in virtually all cases prior to initiating definitive therapy.
Second, CT and MR images both represent computer-generated maps
of the distribution of relative tissue electron density or a
spatial representation of differences in water proton T1 and T2
relaxation characteristics, respectively. Although significant
pathologic abnormalities usually alter these characteristics,
in some instances they may not change detectably from normal.
If, as may occur with small tumors or with infiltrative gliomas,
there is no significant mass effect distorting normal anatomy,
the lesion may go undetected. This is more likely to occur with
CT than with MRI, because of the greater sensitivity of MRI.
Third, artefacts can degrade CT or MR image quality to
nondiagnostic levels. Patient motion during CT or MR image
acquisition may introduce abnormal bright or dark areas in a
normal brain that can simulate a lesion. Alternatively. streak
artefacts from motion can render the examination nondiagnostic.
This is less frequently a problem for today's rapid CT scanners.
but may be a significant problem for MRI, which requires
scanning times of between 2 and 10 min per sequence. The
radiology, neurosurgery, and anaesthesiology staff as a team must
be prepared to provide safe and effective sedation or, if
necessary. general anaesthesia to a patient who is otherwise
unable to hold completely still.
Diagnosis of Untreated
Cerebral Gliomas
General Principles
The imaging diagnosis of a
cerebral neoplasm is based on a combination of abnormal
intracerebral density on CT scan or abnormal signal intensity on
MRI scan together with anatomic deformity. Regional cerebral
structures are displaced or deformed due to mass effect and
compression by the tumor. However, in very slowly growing
lesions, such as infiltrating, low-grade gliomas, intracerebral
mass effects may be minimal or absent. In these cases, anatomic
deformities may be very subtle. There are occasional cases in
which the neoplasm may present as an area of isodense or nearly
isodense mass on CT or, even more rarely, as an area of
isointense signal on MRI. In these cases, minimal deformity of
white matter structures and ventricular shift may be the only
clues to the presence and location of the tumor.
The imaging appearance of
adult cerebral gliomas may be divided into three different
patterns. Most commonly, cerebral gliomas appear as areas of
diminished attenuation on CT scan or as areas of homogeneously
diminished signal on T1-weighted MR images and homogeneously
increased signal on T2-weighted MR images. Intracerebral
edema has similar characteristics on CT and MRI, respectively,
and can be indistinguishable from a nonenhanced infiltrating
glioma. The second most common pattern is that of mixed or
inhomogeneous changes on CT and MRI. Inhomogeneity is usually
due to proteinaceous fluid in necrotic areas or cysts that
appear as low-density areas on CT and as areas of low signal on
T1-weighted and high signal on T2-weighted images. The least
common presentation is a mass of mildly and homogeneously
increased density on CT or minimally increased signal intensity
relative to gray matter on T1-weighted MR images with minimally
hypointense or isointense T2 signal on the T2-weighted images.
This last type of appearance is most often seen with hypercellular tumors such as glioblastoma multiforme, lymphoma,
or some types of cerebral metastases. When this pattern is
present, it is almost always accompanied by a zone of
surrounding cerebral edema.
The majority of neoplasms will
enhance following the intravenous injection of iodinated
contrast material with CT or after the intravenous injection of Gd-based MR contrast material. The areas of enhancement
correspond to cellular zones of viable neoplasm containing
pathologic neovascularity and endothelial proliferation.
Lesions that exhibit contrast enhancement can be localized more
precisely. Enhancement is of particular value in tumors that
present as homogeneous low-density masses on noncontrast CT or
as high-signal lesions on T2-weighted MRI because they would
otherwise be difficult to separate from surrounding edema.
Localization of the tumor via contrast enhancement is useful
for planning the surgical resection of a tumor and is also
useful for determining the most appropriate area of the tumor
for stereotactic biopsy prior to definitive treatment. The
enhancing portion of a lesion corresponds with the most actively
growing portion of the tumor and thus is the site of highest
diagnostic yield for biopsy. Tumor infiltration is not limited
to the area of contrast enhancement but may extend several
centimetres into the surrounding area of non enhancing low
density on CT or of high T2 signal on MRI. This
surrounding area is frequently referred to as the "edematous"
zone but actually represents a combination of intracerebral
edema and infiltrating tumor. Sparse tumor cells can even be
found beyond this "edematous" area in regions that are normal
appearing on CT and MRI. Therefore, radiotherapy planning
is based on the enhancing mass combined with the area of T2
signal change on MR, which provides the most accurate method for
estimating the extent of tumor infiltration. Studies suggest
that a 3 cm margin beyond the T2 abnormality will encompass the
area of tumor infiltration in most patients with untreated
Morphologic characteristics
associated with an intracranial mass lesion are also used in
formulating a differential diagnosis. Imaging findings on CT or
MRI roughly correlate with the histologic grading of cerebral
gliomas. Generally, masses that are sharply marginated, are
homogeneous in CT density or MR signal intensity, and show
little or no contrast enhancement tend to be low-grade gliomas.
Masses that have indistinct margins, are inhomogeneous in
appearance. and demonstrate intense, irregular contrast
enhancement tend to be high-grade gliomas. These are
generalizations and all of the imaging findings and
contrast-enhancing patterns of a lesion must be considered
together. Individual cases may differ from the norm. Some
low-grade astrocytomas that are primarily infiltrating and
histologically benign demonstrate poor margination with the
surrounding brain on neuroimaging studies and some rapidly
growing malignant glioblastomas may show sharp margination from
the surrounding brain.
Dean et al. found the degree
of mass effect and the presence of cyst formation or necrosis to
be statistically significant positive predictors of tumor grade. Central nonenhancing zones within an enhanced mass suggest
areas of necrosis and indicate rapid tumor growth that
outstrips the blood supply. This is a manifestation of malignant
behaviour and should suggest the diagnosis of glioblastoma.
Similarly, areas of hemorrhage within a mass also favour a
malignant lesion and are most often seen with glioblastomas or
Very large zones of edema
surrounding an enhancing intra-axial tumor also favour the
diagnosis of a malignant lesion and contribute to the mass
effect associated with these tumors. A notable exception to
this rule is a meningioma, which, although a benign tumor, is
often associated with large areas of adjacent edema and mass
effect. However, these tumors are readily distinguished from
malignant gliomas by their extra-axial location. Low-grade
gliomas tend to exhibit an infiltrating pattern resembling edema
on neuroimaging studies, but the
lack of contrast enhancement and the absence of a large mass
effect that generally accompanies large zones of cerebral edema
help to distinguish these entities.
Calcification within a tumor
usually indicates a slowly growing neoplasm. Calcification can
frequently be demonstrated in classic oligodendrogliomas
and gangliogliomas and may occasionally be seen in astrocytomas
and ependymomas. Modern histologic techniques now use
immunochemical staining to demonstrate glial fibrillary acidic
protein (GFAP) to make the diagnosis of astrocytoma, so many
lesions that in the past would have been diagnosed as
astrocytomas by their histologic characteristics are now
diagnosed as oligodendroglioma or mixed oligoastrocytoma based upon complete or partial absence of GFAP staining.
Thus many tumors now classified as oligodendrogliomas may have
imaging characteristics similar to those of low-grade
astrocytomas and are usually not associated with gross
calcification. A tumor with many of the imaging characteristics
of a low-grade astrocytoma, including calcification, but which
contains an enhancing area, may be a lesion that started out as
a benign glioma but has undergone malignant degeneration with
areas that demonstrate aggressive histologic changes of
anaplastic astrocytoma or glioblastoma multiforme. In these
cases, biopsy of the most aggressive-appearing portions of the
mass yields the most accurate diagnosis.
Low-Grade Astrocytoma
The most common CT pattern
of a low-grade astrocytoma is that of a low-density
homogeneous mass that is poorly marginated from surrounding
edema. On MR studies, the lesion is iso- or hypointense
on T1-weighted images and hyperintense on T2weighted
images. They grow slowly and hence their mass effect
may be less than expected for the size of the tumor on
neuroimaging studies. They tend to infiltrate widely,
preferentially growing along white matter tracts of the
brain; these lesions may consist entirely of infiltrative
cells without a focal mass. They are not restricted to
white matter and these tumors often invade deep gray matter
structures or extend to the surface and involve cortical
gray matter. They are homogeneous in appearance and do not,
as a rule, exhibit areas of necrosis or hemorrhage.
Following the injection of a contrast agent, enhancement is
rarely seen, and when present, it is usually minimal in
intensity and patchy or focal in appearance. Nonenhancement of a tumor implies a hypovascular lesion
without neovascularity and with an intact blood-brain
barrier. This pattern is seen in most low-grade gliomas.
Low-grade astrocytomas
infiltrate readily through the deep white matter of the
brain and may cross the midline via the corpus callosum or
extend into the brain stem via the cerebral peduncles and
pyramidal tracts. These lesions are usually well shown by
either CT or MRI studies. However, MRI more precisely
demonstrates the extent of tumor infiltration and is thus
an essential preoperative study. In addition, there are
occasional cases where the low-grade glioma may be isointense or nearly isointense on CT but in which the tumor
is readily shown on MRI. Thus, in cases where the
neurological symptoms or signs are strongly suggestive of a
tumor but in which a CT scan is normal or equivocal, an MRI
scan is essential to detect an occult glioma.
In some cases, a low-grade
glioma may be associated with a cystic component that is
represented by a round, sharply circumscribed area of
markedly decreased density on CT scan. On MRI the signal
characteristics resemble those of CSF but with somewhat
brighter signal on T1- and proton density-weighted images because of the elevated
protein content of the cyst fluid. These cysts are also
frequently associated with either a small, nodular area of
enhancement along the wall of the cyst or with a thin,
smooth rim of enhancement that completely surrounds the
cyst. These lesions are more often seen in posterior fossa
tumors of young children. However, these cystic gliomas may
be seen in adult patients, usually in the cerebral
hemispheres, especially adjacent to the third ventricle.
Drainage of the cystic component of the tumor is frequently
accompanied by striking relief of symptoms and a marked
decrease in mass effect.
The differential diagnosis
of low-grade astrocytomas may include a cerebral infarct. Acute infarcts are usually distinguished by a
characteristic clinical history with an abrupt onset of
symptoms combined with an area of low density on CT or
abnormal signal on MRI that conforms to the distribution of
a vascular territory. A wedge-shaped lesion that is broad
based against the surface of the brain and tapers medially
is characteristic of an infarct. An infarct
characteristically involves both gray and white matter,
which become indistinguishable, unlike astrocytomas, which
tend to infiltrate throughout the white matter with only
mild involvement of cortex or deep gray matter structures.
In some instances, the characteristics of tumor and infarct
may overlap and the clinical presentation may not be clear.
In these instances, a follow-up CT scan after approximately
5 to 10 days will show a typical evolutionary pattern with a
cerebral infarct. Mass effect decreases and a characteristic
gyri form pattern of contrast enhancement develops. By
contrast, a tumor will show no change in appearance in this
short period of time. Differentiation from a chronic infarct
with gliosis, which may have signal characteristics similar
to those of a tumor, is made by noting focal volume
loss, rather than mass effect.
Occasionally, an acute
area of demyelination may also present as a low-density
lesion within the white matter, accompanied by edema, mass
effect, and variable enhancement. White matter diseases are
best shown on T2-weighted MR images and such studies should
always be obtained and carefully scrutinized prior to biopsy
or treatment. Multiple white matter demyelinating plaques
establish the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS). If the
white matter mass presents as a solitary lesion,
differentiation from a cerebral tumor may be impossible. In
that instance, differentiation can be made with a delayed
MRI if MS is suspected. Over 3 to 6 weeks, a tumor will
remain stable, whereas a focus of demyelination will show
diminished mass effect and edema together with a decrease in
the degree of contrast enhancement.
Anaplastic Astrocytoma
Anaplastic astrocytoma is
an intermediate grade of cerebral astrocytoma. Noncontrast
imaging studies show many characteristics similar to those
of the low-grade glioma, However, mass effect is usually
greater and these lesions are more likely to show
inhomogeneity on CT and MRI. Most anaplastic astrocytomas
will show moderate to intense contrast enhancement. The
pattern of enhancement is usually homogeneous and rounded
or oval in appearance. Areas of necrosis or hemorrhage are
generally not present. On MRI these tumors may also show
areas of abnormal high T2 signal intensity surrounding the
contrast enhancing portion of the tumor. This nonenhancing
zone of abnormal T2 signal may also extend through the white
These tumors are generally not
confused with cerebral infarcts because the enhancement patterns
of each are characteristically different. A solitary metastasis
may mimic an anaplastic astrocytoma and a solitary demyelinating
lesion can occasionally be confused with anaplastic astrocytoma.
Glioblastoma Multiforme
Glioblastoma multiforme is the
most aggressive form of astrocytoma and often has a distinct
neuroimaging appearance. Most often these lesions appear as
irregular, inhomogeneous areas of abnormality that are poorly marginated from surrounding brain on noncontrast CT and MR
studies. Irregular areas of hyperdensity on CT and
hyperintensity on T1-weighted MRI and iso- or hypointensity on
T2-weighted MRI may be seen and correspond to histologic areas
of closely packed malignant cells. These areas enhance following
contrast injection. Glioblastomas demonstrate intense
enhancement that is irregular in outline, with a rounded or swirllike appearance surrounding areas of low density on CT or abnormal signal on T1- and T2-weighted MR images
that have the characteristics of proteinaceous fluid, old blood,
or both. These nonenhancing areas correspond to necrosis within
the tumor mass that is characteristic for glioblastoma
multiforme and reflects the malignant behaviour and the rapid
growth of the tumor. These tumors also show prominent mass
effect and deformity associated with prominent areas of
cerebral edema. As discussed previously, these zones of hyperintense T2 signal correspond not only to surrounding
intracerebral edema but also to infiltrating, nonenhancing zones
of tumor. Rarely, no enhancement is seen with a glioblastoma. However, that is understandable if one
realizes that a cerebral tumor is graded according to the most
malignant histologic section that is observed. If a mass is
largely a low-grade glioma but one small section shows
histologically malignant characteristics and a microscopic area
of necrosis, then the entire tumor is graded as a malignant
glioma. This system of grading is used because the clinical
behaviour of the tumor is determined by the most aggressive
portion of the lesion.
Areas of obvious or occult
hemorrhage are frequently observed in glioblastomas. A haematoma
from recent bleeding is hyperdense on CT. On MRI, increased
signal on T1-weighted images within the hemorrhagic zone
corresponds to methemoglobin from subacute hemorrhage. Areas of
remote or occult hemorrhage are only recognized on MRI studies.
These may be seen either as areas of methemoglobin or as areas
of markedly diminished signal on heavily T2-weighted images
that correspond to zones of hemosiderin deposition.
Occasionally, a malignant tumor may present as an intracerebral
haematoma of unknown aetiology. In these cases, it is important to
differentiate a hemorrhage associated with a tumor from that
caused by hypertension or the rupture of an arteriovenous
malformation. The latter conditions will show a homogeneous
hemorrhagic zone with the characteristics of acute or subacute
hemorrhage. Tumoral hemorrhage, on the other hand, is often
inhomogeneous with evidence of multiple prior haemorrhages of
different ages. Fluid levels may be present within the
hemorrhage. Enhancement within or immediately adjacent to the
hemorrhagic area indicates an underlying lesion such as a tumor.
Occasionally, glioblastomas
may show a paradoxically sharp margination from the surrounding
brain as a result of rapid growth with destruction and
displacement of the surrounding parenchyma. The other
characteristic changes associated with a malignant glioma are
usually present and indicate the correct diagnosis. Thus, there
is usually a large inhomogeneous tumor mass with irregular
enhancement, zones of central nonenhancing necrosis, and
extensive surrounding edema.
The differential diagnosis of
glioblastoma multiforme includes other aggressive lesions such
as metastasis and brain abscess. A solitary metastatic lesion is
usually round or oval and is relatively well marginated from the
surrounding brain. A metastasis, like a glioblastoma, may
contain a central area of nonenhancement, but the necrotic
areas of a glioblastoma usually have a more irregular outline. A
metastasis is often accompanied by a large amount of cerebral
edema that is excessive relative to the size of the tumor, and
metastases are usually multiple. A primary brain tumor with
multiple enhancing foci may mimic multiple metastases or
multiple inflammatory lesions. However, a pattern of multicentric enhancement with intervening nonenhancing mass
(rather than edema) on T2-weighted images favour the diagnosis of
a primary tumor. In some cases metastases may be
distinguishable from glioblastoma only by histologic
An abscess may also mimic a
glioblastoma. Abscesses are usually round, smoothly outlined,
thin-walled enhancing lesions with a nonenhancing necrotic
center. The wall of an abscess, unlike the rim of most
glioblastomas, is usually thin, with a smooth round or oval
outline. However, a multiloculated abscess or one with daughter
abscesses may have an irregular pattern similar to that of a
glioblastoma. Similar to glioblastomas, abscesses also show
marked surrounding edema, a large mass effect, and intense
contrast enhancement. Occasionally, a glioblastoma or
metastasis may present as a solitary round mass with a thin rim
of enhancement surrounding a central
nonenhancing zone mimicking an abscess. However, invariably a
glioblastoma wall will have an irregular, shaggy, or nodular
margin that suggests the correct diagnosis.
Rarely, a necrotic or
malignant meningioma will mimic an intra-axial mass and will
have imaging characteristics indistinguishable from those of a
glioblastoma. An enhancing dural tail or hyperostosis in the
adjacent calvarium, when present, establishes the diagnosis of
meningioma. Angiography to demonstrate meningeal arterial
supply is occasionally necessary to establish the correct
Oligodendrogliomas are
slow-growing tumors that historically have accounted for less
than 5 percent of cerebral gliomas. However, current immunocytochemical (ICC) techniques have demonstrated that many
tumors with the histologic appearance of astrocytoma will
partially or completely lack staining for GFAP, and thus are now
diagnosed as mixed oligoastrocytomas or oligodendrogliomas,
respectively. Thus, using these newer criteria, the incidence of
oligodendrogliomas has increased. Oligodendrogliomas occur most
frequently in the centrum semiovale of the cerebral hemispheres
and are found predominantly in adults. The most characteristic
finding on plain x-ray films and CT scans is the frequent
occurrence of prominent, irregular clumps of calcification
within the tumor mass. In older series,
before. ICC techniques were developed for gliomas, calcification
in oligodendrogliomas detectable on plain x-ray films of the
skull was seen in approximately 40 to 60 percent of patients. However, with the introduction of ICC with GFAP, a higher
percentage of gliomas lacking calcification are diagnosed as
oligodendroglioma, rather than astrocytoma. Therefore, the
percentage of oligodendrogliomas with detectable calcification
on CT or plain x-ray film has decreased. Many imaging
characteristics of oligodendroglioma are similar to those of
astrocytoma. The tumor is a deep white matter lesion that
infiltrates widely, and the degree of aggressiveness of the
tumor is reflected by the pattern and degree of contrast
enhancement, the amount of mass effect, and the degree of inhomogeneity within the tumor mass. Occasionally,
oligodendrogliomas may occur within the cerebral ventricles.
These lesions may be confused with central neurocytomas or intraventricular meningiomas, both of which may also contain
intratumoral calcification. An oligodendroglioma may undergo
malignant degeneration to a glioblastoma, in which case the
tumor takes on the imaging characteristics already described
for a glioblastoma. This is most often seen in recurrent tumors.
Ependymomas arise
from ependymal cells lining the ventricles and are most commonly
found in the fourth ventricle in children. Adult ependymomas
are less common and occur more often within the cerebral
hemispheres, usually within the centrum semiovale or adjacent to
the third ventricle. They most often are intraparenchymal
rather than intraventricular in adults and are thought to
develop from cell rests. Despite their histologically benign
nature, adult ependymomas may invade the cerebral parenchyma
extensively. They are reported to show calcification, but this is infrequent. Ependymomas usually have low
density on CT and the MR signal characteristics are similar to
those of other low- or intermediate-grade gliomas. They often
enhance to a moderate degree in a homogeneous pattern and are
surrounded by a small zone of edema with or without accompanying
infiltrating, nonenhancing tumor. When they involve the
ventricular spaces, they may metastasize via the CSF, especially
following surgical treatment. Spinal cord ependymomas have been
associated with occult hemorrhage into the adjacent cord or the
CSF, but we have not observed this to be characteristic of
cerebral lesions.
Gliomatosis Cerebri
Gliomatosis cerebri is a rare
condition of overgrowth of neoplastic glial cells in varying
stages of differentiation that diffusely infiltrate large
portions of the brain and spinal cord. The underlying neuronal
architecture is preserved. The CT pattern usually
suggests an ill-defined or diffuse mass effect involving large
areas of the brain. The absence of abnormal CT density precludes
localizing the lesion or delineating its extent. MRI is much
better at imaging gray and white matter structures and at
detecting subtle changes in tissue water. Consequently, MRI
better delineates a diffuse, infiltrating central mass with
mildly to moderately increased T2 signal that is partly due to
infiltration of tumor cells and partly due to the demyelination
known to occur with this neoplasm. Diffuse, fairly
symmetrical thickening of midline structures may be seen. The
optic chiasm, hypothalamus, basal ganglia, thalamus, midbrain,
pons, cerebellum, and cerebral white matter may be involved. The
neoplastic cells tend to follow perineuronal,
perivascular, and subpial distributions, and the pattern of
abnormal signal reflects this phenomenon. Contrast enhancement
is absent except in rare instances of focal necrosis. It can
also be seen in areas of dense tumor infiltration that, if
subpial, can mimic leptomeningeal spread.
Another entity to consider
with this radiologic presentation is hemimegalencephaly. This is
a congenital migration anomaly in which one cerebral hemisphere
is markedly larger than the contralateral hemisphere. Abnormal
gyral patterns, abnormal formation of the gray matter, and
enlargement of the ipsilateral cranial vault are typically seen.
Occasionally, abnormal signal within the deep white matter from
gliosis is present. This entity is usually diagnosed in
childhood. Differentiation of these two conditions may be
difficult on CT, but MRI findings are characteristic and readily
Gangliogliomas are uncommon,
slow-growing tumors that have mixed elements consisting of
neuronal or ganglion cells and glial cells. These lesions have a
predilection for the temporal lobes and the
posterior fossa. They are usually low-density masses on CT and
they resemble low-grade astrocytomas on noncontrasted MRI. They
often have calcification and contain cysts and, despite their
slow growth and nonaggressive behaviour, they usually show a mild
to moderate degree of contrast enhancement. Gangliogliomas
are known to occasionally undergo malignant transformation and
when this occurs, degeneration invariably occurs along the glial
cell line with development of a glioblastoma rather than along
the neuronal or ganglion cell lines.
Postoperative Evaluation of
Postoperative changes can be
grouped into two categories: immediate postoperative changes,
which occur during the first few days following surgery, and
delayed changes, which occur weeks to months following
treatment. Early postoperative imaging is done for two types of
evaluation. The first is to detect postsurgical complications,
including excessive swelling, cerebral infarction, acute
hemorrhage, extra-axial fluid collections that compress the
brain, postoperative infection, and hydrocephalus. CT is the procedure of choice in the first few days following surgery
because the important findings are all adequately shown or, in
cases such as acute hemorrhage, are better shown with CT than
MRI. Furthermore, in the early hours and days following cranial
surgery, the patient is less able to tolerate long periods
within the bore of the magnet, is potentially unstable, and is
often attached to multiple monitoring devices that may not be
safely placed and may not properly function within the magnet
The second indication for
early postoperative evaluation is to determine the extent of
tumor resection. In patients who preoperatively had a tumor
that enhanced with contrast, a CT examination without and with
contrast is used to assess the presence and extent of residual
tumor. This information is used to plan the patient's subsequent
treatment and to provide a baseline against which to monitor its
effectiveness. The patient should be imaged within the first
four days following surgery. This interval is based on
experimental work in animals which showed that the earliest
postoperative CT enhancement within the operative site was not
seen until postoperative day 4. Thus, the presence of
postoperative contrast enhancement during this early
postsurgical period directly correlates with residual, nonresected enhancing tumor.
It is important to recognize
that nonenhancing tumor cannot be evaluated in this manner. Most
nonenhancing gliomas present as low-density lesions on CT that
are inseparable from cerebral edema, which is virtually always
present in the postoperative patient.
Subsequent follow-up
evaluations occur at intervals typically beginning 3 months
after surgery, and are designed to evaluate the patient for
growth of residual or recurrent tumor. They are almost always
performed with MRI evaluation before and after the
administration of a contrast agent. If the patient cannot
undergo MRI because of safety-related contraindications or
severe claustrophobia, follow-up CT without and with iodinated
contrast is done. In many instances, if radiotherapy or
chemotherapy or both has been used, shrinkage of the residual
tumor compared with prior postoperative scans can be
demonstrated. New or enlarging areas of enhancing tumor
indicate recurrent or actively growing residual tumor.
Radiographic detection
of recurrent glioblastoma may precede or coincide with clinical
deterioration. It is detected by enlargement of an area of
contrast enhancement, enlargement of an area of perilesional low
density on CT, or enlargement of an area of abnormal T2 signal
on MRI. Recurrent tumor is almost always contiguous with the
prior resection bed. Masses are poorly defined and areas of
enhancement correspond with areas of high cellularity. Necrosis
may also be seen with recurrent glioblastomas as areas of low
density, but denser than CSF, without enhancement. True cysts
are not seen in untreated glioblastomas, but may be seen in
recurrent tumors. Tumors that were nonenhancing preoperatively
are usually slow growing, and enlargement of residual or
recurrent tumor is only detected as an increasing area of T2
signal abnormality on MRI scans that are spaced months or even
years apart. However, in some cases, tumors that are initially
low in grade or nonenhancing may undergo degeneration to a more
aggressive tumor and recur as an enhancing high-grade malignant
Within weeks to months
following external-beam radiotherapy, MRI scans of the brain may
show increased T2 signal within the white matter corresponding
pathologically to areas of demyelination and microscopic
necrosis associated with hyalinization and fibrinoid necrosis of
arterioles. No enhancement is seen and these changes are
usually not accompanied by clinical symptomatology. Two
patterns have been described: extensive symmetric abnormality
involving all the white matter of the hemispheres including the arcuate fibers, and less extensive disease that is most severe
in the periventricular white matter. This second pattern may
show asymmetrical or symmetrical distribution and, although the
pattern may be patchy or focal, it is more frequently confluent.
Ventricular dilatation from deep white matter volume loss may be
seen. Periventricular white matter tends to be affected first,
with extension to the centrum semiovale. The corpus callosum is
typically spared. CT is much less sensitive to these changes
than is MRI, as is usually the case with white matter disease.
If an abnormality is seen, it is of low density in the involved
white matter, with or without volume loss. Recognition of this
common postradiation change is important and it should not be
confused with recurrent tumor or edema. This pattern of
radiation change does not seem to be reversible because no
recovery of normal white matter signal has been observed over
sequential follow-up examinations.
Radiation necrosis can mimic
recurrent tumor clinically, and no CT, MRI, and angiography. This is an important pitfall of which one must
be constantly aware when evaluating a patient after treatment.
Careful evaluation of sequential postoperative and posttreatment scans will detect the presence of a new and
enlarging area of enhancing mass. If such a recurrent mass
occurs in the zone of maximum irradiation and radiation necrosis
is a consideration in the differential diagnosis, evaluation
with a positron emission tomography (PET) scan, if
available, or with a single photon emission computed tomography
(SPECT) scan using thallium 201 can help establish the
diagnosis. An area of abnormal enhancement on MRI or CT
indicating blood supply to the lesion and breakdown of the
blood-brain barrier, accompanied by a zone of markedly
diminished regional metabolism as manifested by a markedly
decreased uptake of [18F] fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (FDG) on PET or
of thallium 201 on SPECT scanning will help to identify an area
of radiation necrosis. Areas of new tumor recurrence or new
tumor growth will exhibit not only increased blood supply and
breakdown of the blood-brain barrier, but also corresponding
areas of increased isotope uptake, indicating hypermetabolism on
the nuclear medicine studies.